Make a Logo
My professor gave us a brewery restaurant as a topic and gave us a few guidelines. The job was to come up with a logo for a brewery restaurant that specialized in beer. As part of this endeavor, one of my goals was to design a logo that is not only easy to remember but also enjoyable. This opportunity allows me to demonstrate the design process that I go through while working. 

The Company:
The Problem
Golden Hop Brewery and Restaurant aims to be known primarily for its exceptional brewing, with food offerings as a secondary attraction. The logo they envision should be simple yet striking, reflecting a classic brewery feel that's welcoming and filled with nostalgic charm. Their specialty is India Pale Ales, famous for their bold, hoppy flavors and light, golden appearance, which inspired their name. Unlike the flashy breweries nearby, Golden Hop wants to be a local favorite for young adults, particularly those between 21 and 40, who appreciate an authentic, community-oriented atmosphere.
The Mood boards 
Mind Map
In my design process, I actively sought out key words to embed in my design, aiming to enrich and expand my creative ideas.
The Ideation phase 
Mock ups
The Vision 
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